PTC® Creo® Spark Analysis Extension

PTC® Creo® Spark Analysis Extension

Elektrische Abstands- und Kriechweganalyse im Rahmen der Detailkonstruktion zur Verifizierung der Produktsicherheit

PTC® Creo® Spark Analysis Extension

Electrical product safety is a necessity in today’s competitive market. It is a growing challenge across industry verticals such as Automotive, Aerospace & Defense, and Electronics & High Tech, as more products now have mechatronic elements incorporated into their designs.

The smallest electromechanical design errors can cause circuit damage, overheating, and even fires or explosions. While companies must get products to market faster and more cost efficiently than ever before, they must also minimize the increasing risks of product failure and injury.

Electromechanical product safety is often plagued by inefficient design processes due to the use of “rule of thumb” design for safe electrical clearance and creepage distances. This often results in products that are over-designed, yielding designs that are too large, too expensive, or simply unable to meet space and performance requirements as the complexity of products increases. In addition, manual calculations are still frequently used to analyze clearance and creepage characteristics. These calculations are not only errorprone, but they become impractical as the number of components increases to over 1,000 or even 10,000 for products such as networking communications equipment. Thus, many companies rely either on time consuming and expensive physical prototyping and testing or on less-rigorous analyses, which can result in costly field failures and product recalls.

Today, in order to streamline your design process to get winning products to market faster and ensure product safety, traditional clearance and creepage analysis methods are no longer suitable. The PTC Creo Spark Analysis Extension is the only solution that can help improve the speed and accuracy of your analysis.

PTC® Creo® Spark Analysis Extension

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